Friday, December 09, 2005

I might learn to podcast

Well, i've been thinking about it and more and more I feel like talking to you people might be better. However, I hate the sound of my voice and making people around the world hear it too just might be too much! I'll have to investigate it first and see. Maybe i'll make another blog but have it as a podcast and see how it goes. Could be interesting if nothing else!

On other news, I have just been doing some php scripting and my god is it a pain in the bottom. I'll get it eventually but its just too difficult to concentrate on it without going insane. I think i'll get into it on Saturday and perhaps tomorrow night too and really get a hold of it. Once I understand what I have to do, it'll come to me straight away. First things first, design the layout and stuff then do the programming. Obviously, things can go wrong but well, it should be easy enough to create the website just plainly although I do have to use databases. I am so thinking that I should've concentrated on databases at college!

Anyhoo, thats about it really. I shall update during my ordeal.


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# posted by Paula | 4:01 am |