Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I have the internet

Ok, my wireless connection is utter crap but using a wire actually lets me connect.

Its been nearly a month without the internet working and its utter yayness on a stick.

Ok, for the update.

I've been to bristol to see my family. It was ok but I got slightly lost! Got chatted up by a 59 yr old man and I danced a bit. Quite a good 2 days really. Had a horse ride, even though I dont like horses and had a massive ice cream which turned out to be quite sickly!

Been at uni now for 3 weeks, it looks like it will be a lot of work. Never mind, thats why i'm here!

OMG - Lost. We are currently in series 1 about halfway through I think and wow, its good. There are other people on the island. Oh sorry for the people who havn't seen it!

Anyway, off to explore the wonder of the web!

# posted by Paula | 11:00 pm |