Saturday, December 17, 2005

Happy christmas people

Well, this is my last post for a few weeks but do not worry, I will bring plenty of stories and pictures for you all to enjoy.

I am leaving uni tomorrow and i'm going home to a house with no internet, sky tv or central heating! This should all be fun. However, I am working next week on the perfume counter of all things. I am the most un-perfumed person in the world (meaning I dont use it, not that I smell!) and they want me to do that instead!

I said yes as I get xmas eve off which is what I wanted. I've worked out that i'll be working about 30 hours in a week. Thats not bad really.

Cant wait to go home and see my family. I havn't seen them in 9 weeks or more but I do have a hell of a lot of work to do over the holidays!

Woot, christmas is coming. I spent almost £30 on petrol last night. That should get me home. It filled my tank up and i'll probably have some left over for a week or 2!

Ok, enough babbling. Sorry for the short post but its like 5am or something and i'm slightly tired!

Seeya in 3 weeks.

(ps, leave me a few comments so I feel special, thanks)

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# posted by Paula | 5:04 am |