Saturday, August 06, 2005

Been working


Well, since my last update, I havn't been doing much!

I've been working mostly just bits of hours here and there. Was ok, nothing special. I've had a couple of Sundays off and i've got tomorrow off too.

My birtgday is next Friday, i'll be 22. I have to remember to change my profile to something more exciting.

My car has an appointment for a service next Thursday. She has been having difficulty starting up straightaway. Slightly irritating!

Might start my story any day soon! It will get started eventually, might be today, dunno yet.

I've just started getting into Sudoku. Quite interesting and i'm able to do it but with the help on! Might try it without.

Thats all for now, sorry, but I have nothing really to say!
# posted by Paula | 1:14 am |