Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Hello there,

Well, today I started off waking up around half 12pm. My Dad said last night he would wake me at 11am so we could do the cleaning. He never did, he woke me at 12 instead. I don't mind, I wanted to sleep!

Once dressed, I watched a bit of TV. Neighbours. Then I did the washing up. The sink was full but it only took about half hour to do. I had XFM on the TV blasting music out. It got me through it! Once the washing up was done, I watched Diagnosis Murder. I really love that show. If Dick Van Dyke ever comes to the theater in the UK, i'm so going to see him.

So, my Dad cooked Bacon and Cabbage for dinner. I had to have it later than him as I went to work for 3 hours and 45 minutes. It was busy. I was on a basket till and the queues hardly stopped.

I had dinner when I got home but whilst sitting in my car at work I rang Mike (the engine was off - for any UK police officers reading this!) and he asked me to go round his place. It was just past 9pm so I said no. I'm seeing him tomorrow anyway but he wanted me there.

We're supposed to 'talk'. I hate that. I know its bad news, i'm sure of it but hey, i'll try to accept whatever he says.

Anyway, on other news, I have decided to make a story blog. It will contain one story which I will try to write a whole story and get very far to complete it. Bare in mind that the stories I do write are quite weird and the one's in my head are worse. This one will be very from in my head - if that makes sense! If not, I apologize. Anyhoo, the out come of something actually written down that people can comment on will be very scary. I will try not to get upset by comments that say its crap!

Ok, enough of this stuff, i'm getting scared.

Ooooohh, on a brighter note, Harry Potter and the half blood prince comes out on Friday (3 days people) and i'm gonna be one of those saddo's who buys it at 12am from work!

Bye for now.
# posted by Paula | 2:22 am |