Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Well, I was wrong...

I am dumped, its official.

Well, we are officially 'taking a break' which is just the same.

I saw him today and we went to a pub. He told me in a pub full of people. It took me all of my might to not competely cry/sob uncontrollably. I had tears running down my face and my lip was wobbling and my chin had creased but still, I did not explode. I still can't believe we have split up.

That now means I can't go to V festival which completely sucks as I was really looking forward to it. Not only being there but being there with him. He said I could still go but I couldn't camp with him so whats the damn point. I couldn't go on my own.

My Dad was pleased that we have split up as he didn't like him. He was near-enough whooping for joy as I was crying my eyes out.

Well, I had to go to work after that so that wasn't fun. One of my worst days ever. I was rude, abrubt, not the cheery self I usually am. And I was speedier than usual!

On the good news, I got GTA: San Andreas through the post this morning. Damn postman left it on the porch though, anyone could've taken it. Well, at least I can go kill people now and pretend they are Mike!

I have to stop thinking of this otherwise i'll start crying again.

Bye for now. Hopefully my next post will be livelier!
# posted by Paula | 11:42 pm |