Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Ok people, lets work together


I've decided that not many people are leaving comments or are linking to me. If there is something that you like or don't like about my blog, please tell me about it.

Right so I want to see some kind of linkage going on. Thank you.

Now, other than that, I havn't done much.

I went to see Mike at work on Sunday. Spent the whole evening with him. Never went to work on Sunday either as when I woke up, I felt a bit light headed. Just spent the day doing nothing, which was great.

Went to work on Monday though for 6 hours. Not bad. Quite busy and then dead right near the end of the shift.

Today, I have done nothing.

That, is it!

Should be going out on Thursday.

# posted by Paula | 10:51 pm |